Tuesday, September 1, 2015

How to Gently Detox an Animal

In today's world, we are bombarded by toxicity.   Toxins from foods, water, medications, chemicals used to "protect" us from weeds, bugs and parasites.  And no one is hit with more toxins than our animals.  While the FDA prevents food manufacturers from adding  the worst of the culprits to our food supply there is very little oversight about the chemicals and preservatives in our animal's food supply.
We attempt to "poison our way to health" by over-vaccinating, worming, and sterilizing our animals.  In order to have a long shelf-life, commercial pet foods add well-known carcinogens such as BHA, BHT and ethoxyquin.  These approaches leave a chemical residue that can take decades for the body to eliminate.  They build up in the organs of elimination, making ever more difficult for the liver, kidneys, lungs and lymph system to effectively do their jobs.  When these cleansing organs get overwhelmed, toxins back up into the body - just like what happens when you flush the toilet but the septic system is backed-up.  The body cannot properly assimilate the nutrients needed for optimal health when the intestinal tract becomes coated with indigestible tar from rendered and overcooked fats.
This backup results in many of the diseases that affect our animals:  allergies; cancer; metabolic dysfunction; etc.   The first place to start, before the toilet backs up, is to clean out the septic system - detoxifying the organs of elimination and the intestinal tract.
The title of this article includes the word "gentle".  Why gentle detoxification?  Because to clean out too quickly can cause harsh and sometimes critical side effects.  Headaches, body aches, diarrhea and itching are common.  Occasionally, rapid cleansing can offer life-threatening difficulties.   In fact, the sicker the animal is when we start, the slower the detoxification should to proceed.
So where do we start?  First: by slowing, if not stopping, the flow of toxins into the body.  Educate yourself about what goes into pet foods and, if necessary, move up to a raw diet or foods made with human-grade ingredients. Look for labels that put in writing that there are no chemical preservatives.   Give distilled or well-filtered water instead of municipal water.   If your animal is unhealthy, do not vaccinate (it even says on the vaccine label never to vaccinate a sick animal).  Discontinue toxic flea and tick remedies or heartworm medications.  Check your animal's environment for obvious problems such as rat or ant bait, bleach in water buckets or chemical fly sprays.  Reducing the level of toxins going into the body can go a long way to helping it to heal itself.

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